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I seem to get several cold calls from Brokers. It is probably because I subscribe to so many listing portals; I do this so that I can track market velocity, but also identify possible prospects for our coaching services. It’s amazing how much you can learn about a Broker based on the information they put out to the market.

The one common element from most of these callers is that they are simply calling from a list generated from who knows where, in a feeble hope that even a blind squirrel will find a nut.

On Tuesday I received the worst prospect call in the history of calls. It went like this:

Bill: “Hi Rod, this is Bill from New York and I was wondering if you wanted to sell your condo.”

(Now understand, although we have scores of clients in New York and I am from New York, I haven’t lived there in almost 40 years — and I don’t own a condo.)

Me: “Unfortunately I don’t own any condos, so I am not looking to buy or sell.”

Bill: “Oh, sorry.”

Me: “Bill, do you happen to know who I am?”

Bill: “Well, no.”

Me: “Bill, I run the largest commercial real estate coaching organization in North America and we work with many of your colleagues — such as Bob Knakal, James Nelson, and Bill Montana.”

(Note: if you are in NY, you probably recognize these names.)

Me: “Bill, can I ask how you got my name?”

Bill: “It’s on a list.”

Me: “Bill, if I may — it sounds like you are simply dialing for dollars, and using a blind list.”

Bill: “Well, that’s correct.”

Me: “By the tone of your voice it sounds like you are not new to the business.”

(I cheated and googled him as soon as he gave me his name.)

Bill: “No, not at all, I have been doing this for a long time.”

Me: “Bill, if I may suggest — I know we can help you with your prospecting approach and put you in position to win more business. Is that something you would be interested in talking about?”

Bill: “Well, yes. I know Knakal and Montana, so yes — I would be willing to see what you can offer.”

Bill broke the first step in building your personal prospecting playbook — defining your Avatar. This is a deep understanding of your ideal client. For example, don’t just tell yourself that your ideal client is any office owner, or tenant. Be specific. For example, maybe you are a tenant rep broker in a secondary market, and you have had success representing law firms. Through my own expedited research and short conversation with Bill, I felt we may be able to help him. I have not qualified him as of yet, and that is a key to defining your own avatar as well.


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