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If you haven’t figured out my blogging cadence yet, I write a blog twice a week.  From there our team posts to our website, all LinkedIn Groups and then to our weekly newsletter, the Massimo Minute, on Saturdays.  In addition, our team takes the content of my blog and creates a series of tweets for my Twitter account.  Using this approach, I can focus on what I enjoy, writing, while my team is able to maximize its distribution and hopefully readership.

However, for many, including me, writing a blog in such frequency can be a challenge.  More so, you want to create content that gets read.  It’s a lot of work to get a blog written, published and distributed.  The work is wasted unless you get your readers to click on your content.

Over the years (next week we celebrate our 9-year anniversary) I have figured out there are certain aspects of a blog that not only enhances readership but turns readership into qualified prospects.

To learn how to create content that will get read and nurture your prospects click here.

The first step in getting any blog read is the title.  Most likely you didn’t open this email because of the word “content”, in fact, that word probably turned away a good segment of the commercial real estate population.  That’s unfortunate.  Not only did they miss a great article (hee, hee), but they also don’t realize the prospecting power of creating sound content.

It’s more likely you opened this blog based on the promise of “Prospects”.  After 9 years and thousands of blogs, we have determined the keywords for getting our content open.  When it comes to the commercial real estate professionals, the top 2 words are “Prospecting” and “Commissions”, in that order.  Other keywords are “Time”, “Team”, and “Income”.  Why?  Because these are key concerns of our commercial real estate audience.

Other words that have worked well in titles include “Trump” and “CoStar”.  The rationale is simple.  Both words incite passion.  Love or Hate it doesn’t matter.  Both these words have worked well in 2017.

For you to create a following and readership, you need to determine the keywords that resonate with your audience.  “Rent reduction”, “Record Low Cap Rates”, “Record Low Interest”, “High Demand” are some phrases that will play well in the commercial real estate brokerage space.  Likewise, think of hot buttons or timely issues like “1031 is being distinguished” or “Trump’s Tax breaks for Property Owners”.  Again, these will incite passion, and thus readership.

Personally, I read and read a lot.  Books, blogs, e-news, etc.  This provides me a wealth of ideas for content that is timely.  You can easily do the same.  Perhaps there is a key issue in your local market or a transaction that will have a wide range impact or a certain person that everyone is talking about.  

Of course, getting your blog read is only the first part of the equation.  Now you must provide solid content to keep your audience coming back.  We will address that next time.  

For now, and consistent with your interest in prospecting, I invite you to join our Executive Vice President, Bo Barron, as he presents an encore performance of our most attended webinar of the year – How These 3 Top Producers Find and Protect the Time for Prospecting

Are you looking more opportunities to leverage your brokerage practice? Join Rod Santomassimo on October 5th at 1:00pm EST for our next FREE Master Class – ’11 Secrets to Maximize Commissions in Q4 2017′. As this year draws to a close, learn to position yourself for maximum commissions, plus get a free copy of Rod’s new book – ‘Building Wealth Beyond the Commission’! Limited seats are available, to register for yours today CLICK HERE.

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