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It’s been 5 years since I published my first book Commercial Real Estate Brokers Who Dominate: The 8 Traits of Top Producers, and I have been fortunate that the book continues to sell well on the Amazon circuit. One of the 8 traits I find most common in top producers – is having a team. I felt so strongly about this, that it was the catalyst to my second book, Commercial Real Estate Teams Built to Dominate.

Recently, I read the book Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination, by Gene Wickman and Mark C. Winters. It was referred to me by my Executive Vice President, Bo Barron. Upon completing the book, I realized I may have missed a key factor in identifying consistently high producing commercial real estate brokerage companies, teams, and individuals.

The key take away in Rocket Fuel is that there is one essential combination of roles and personalities that exist in every great company or team. These two roles are, in the simplest context:

• The Visionary – identifying strategies, partnerships, and channels for growth

• The Integrator – translating these strategies into tangible, practical application and/or implementation

An essential finding from the authors was that in half the companies they encountered – these 2 roles were found in the same person, although this is very rare to implement both roles successfully.

For many of us, our efforts are initially based on taking responsibility for both roles. This is very common in commercial real estate, and why most commercial real estate brokers have inconsistent production and lack true growth. It is only when we recognize our personal strengths (as either the visionary or integrator) and find a complementary team member, that we “blast off”.

Personally, I have “shiney object syndrome”. I am always looking for new ways to grow, new programs to implement, and channels to pursue. Thankfully, I have a great integrator in Bo Barron. Bo not only filters all my ideas, but helps me focus on what will be most impactful and practical to implement. Do I drive him crazy, as the attached picture represents? Sure I do. However, the roles of visionary and integrator play off one another. We feed off one another, we need each other, and best of all – we really enjoy working with one another.

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In Rocket Fuel, the authors share how Ray Kroc, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Rockefeller, and many other industry giants – all had “integrators” to make their visions come to life. When I think about it, for many of our coaching clients, we will act as either the visionary or integrator based on their respective strengths. And when I look at our top producing coaching clients, most of them already have an “integrator” on their own team to act as a catalyst to their “visionary” personalities.

If you would like to create a Rocket Fuel like experience in your company, team, or your personal commercial real estate business – you need to first determine which role you are best at, and then find that missing element to make your business blast off.

We can provide the missing ingredient you need for your own rocket fueled business! Schedule a free strategy session with us at if you would like to learn more. 3, 2, 1… we have lift off.

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