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Now there are 3 concepts that draw attention: in-laws, drinking, and prospecting. Put them all together and you have either: some great jokes or, in this case, a reinforcement of how we prospect.

Last week my in-laws came in town for an extended visit. Fortunately, I enjoy my in-laws, so no family jokes coming your way in this blog. I also enjoy eating and drinking, and this is where I was reminded of an important prospecting lesson.

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The other morning after a long workout, I went to the fridge to grab some milk for a (what my wife would call “horrible tasting”) smoothie. Contrary to her belief, I find my concoctions quite delicious – especially when based with some light soy milk. And this is where the prospecting lesson crystallizes.

As I reached for my milk, I realized there were 5 different (yes, 5!) milk cartons in my fridge. There was my light soy milk, lactose free milk, 2% milk, whole milk, and half/half. You would think I was running a cafeteria out of my kitchen, but instead, my house was just occupied with several people who enjoy milk – but each enjoys their version of milk.

I like light soy milk. I don’t want the calories of whole milk, really don’t enjoy the taste of whole milk, but know I need the calcium. Plus, it makes my smoothies tolerable.

My father in law likes whole milk. My father in-law, who respectively goes by “Jake” – is a big man, with a gun inventory that he immediately shared with me when I first met his daughter (now my wife). The man likes whole milk, it’s the only real milk to him, and I do not dare debate this.

My kids prefer 2%. It’s easier for them to digest, and has less calories. Plus, it goes great with cookies.

I don’t know who is drinking the lactose free milk, but I am confident that it’s a dietary issue. Also, admittedly I don’t actually know what lactose is.

Finally, the half and half is for my mother-in-law’s coffee, no doubt. The woman loves her coffee and never drinks it black. She simply doesn’t like it any other way.

All of your prospects drink milk. They all sell or buy buildings, rent or lease space, or otherwise own properties/occupy space. Treating all your prospects the same, is like serving them all the same milk. One may like what you have to offer, but most will not. Your responsibility is to discover their milk preference before you go on your pitch.

Want to learn a better way to prospect? Join me for a free master class THIS Thursday at 1:00 pm EST. During this program, titled ‘Death of the Cold Call: The “New” Prospecting Strategies’ – I will share proven approaches to turning cold calls into warm calls, and warm calls into meetings. This webinar will change your conversion rates immediately! To register for this free event, click here.

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