Don’t K-I-D Yourself! How To Apply Knowledge | Knowing Isn’t Doing

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Hi, this is Rod Santomassimo with the Massimo Minute, and today I want to talk about an important idea: knowing isn’t doing.

Knowing Isn’t Doing | Why You Need to Take Your Knowledge a Step Further and Do Something


KID: Knowledge Isn’t Doing

Let me ask, are you kidding me? Kidding. K-I-D. Don’t kid me. Don’t kid yourself. What do I mean by that? KID stands for “knowing isn’t doing.”

Whenever I go across the country and talk to prospects, a lot of people tell me, “I know what I need to do.”

“Well, that’s great, but are you doing it? Are you actually applying and implementing that knowledge?”

If you’re a lifelong learner—you’re reading books, going to courses, doing some training, whatever you’re doing—how you’re taking the information and transforming it to actual implementation is what’s important.


That’s what I want to talk about. Today my challenge to you is simple. Take some of that knowledge and apply it. Remember, knowing isn’t doing. Today, go out and do it.


Get known, connect instantly, and win more business! In this webinar session, Bo Barron will show you how presence, a great value proposition, and a targeted prospecting campaign can grow your business without chaos! You can watch the webinar here.

Up Next: How to Identify Your Avatar

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