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9 Steps to Position Yourself to Grow Your CRE Income

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Top earners are top earners because they plan, prepare, and produce consistently each and every week. Top earners don’t simply wing it and let their calendars and clients control their time.  They purposely and proactively set their week so they can look back on Friday afternoon or a following weekend morning and clearly define what progress they made.

With our coaching clients we implement a program, appropriately termed I.P.A.I.D.  This process allows them to look back at every day and answer positively to the question, “was I paid today?”.  I also use this approach in planning for my week.  Every Sunday morning I have a routine that has served me well and allowed me to be best positioned for getting the most from the upcoming week. Generally, I wake up earlier, get in a workout, and jump in the home office before my wife and kids are up and at em’.  I spend an hour planning and preparing for the week ahead.  This puts me in position to make every day as productive as possible. See below for my 9 Step Process.

  1. Review Annual and Monthly Goals – Remind myself of the big picture.  I reiterate the 3 big goals I set for myself and the Massimo Group and reflect on the monthly goals to support these.
  2. Review financials/pipeline – Look at YTD sales and opportunities in our pipeline.  I send out any quick notes to my sales team for clarification or suggested next steps.  All the information I need is included in my CRM and I support this with a simple Google Doc.
  3. Review weekly calendar in my Infusionsoft CRM and scheduled commitments – Re-evaluate their prioritization, are there any meetings I don’t need to attend or can reschedule?
  4. Review daily to do list for each day of the upcoming week – Again, re-evaluate their prioritization, are there any meetings I don’t need to attend or can reschedule?
  5. Review team marketing calendar – this is the calendar we created at the beginning of the year.  I make necessary changes based on any prioritization.
  6. Review the team WIG sheet – In the beginning of the year each team member set key ‘Wildly Important Goals’ to support our overall team goals.  They report their weekly progress on a simple Google Doc that we share.
  7. Draft an agenda for the weekly team Monday meeting – We will quickly review agenda, but only after going over each team members WIGs.
  8. Outline semi-weekly blogs – Based on the calendar our team has determined in the beginning of the year.  (Will write these during the week)
  9. Reallocate my schedule and days as need – Especially integrate my personal schedule, as my family is the priority – why the heck else are we working so hard?

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