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Last week we held the 2017 Massimo Immersion, a live event held on the campus of Duke University. The 50-attendee event was sold out, and even had a waiting list. That’s right, the event captured dozens of independent contractors who elected to invest in themselves and share ideas.

These folks invested 2 days (and several thousand dollars each) to spend time with us. Not only did they want to learn how to build their Prospecting Playbooks – but they were willing to share their winning approaches with total strangers.

Here are the 5 steps we took to get these folks (including several of the top producing brokers in the world) to converge on Duke campus and open up to one another:

1. Give them something of incredible value. We offered a 2-day exclusive event where we shared proven prospecting approaches to consistently find high quality prospects. Attendees left knowing who to call every day for 1 year, what to say, how to engage, and how to secure meetings.

2. Don’t hold back. We provided all aspects of our premier coaching methods – including several new tools we created just for this event (which will now be used with our coaching clients). We have learned through 1,000’s of iterations – share your content, the payback will come.

3. Give them a Plan. Just getting together with a brain trust is incredible, but you must provide a formula or agenda for success. At our event, we all created Prospecting Playbooks (you can see the templates hanging on the walls in the photo accompanying this blog).

4. Change it Up. Getting 50 brokers to sit in a room for 2 days and having no one miss a segment or leave early was not easy. We combined lectures and small break-out group exercises with plenty of breaks, snacks – and even provided all of their meals. Our incredible coaching team ran the breakout sessions, while my EVP Bo Barron and I presented the lectures.

5. Have Fun. On the first evening we held an optional “Massimo After Dark” session from 8 to 10pm. Over 40 attendees came to the session looking for more best practices – but this time, with optional adult beverages in hand. This was followed by an open bar event upstairs – where all the attendees shared stories, exchanged business cards, and initiated relationships.

Getting independent contractors to invest in themselves, and then provide total focus for 2 days is not easy – but it is not impossible. Follow the 5 steps outlined above and you will find your team (or company) are thirsty for knowledge and sharing.

If you would like to discuss a private Prospecting Playbook event for your team or office, please email me directly at [email protected]. If you are curious how you can invest in yourself personally, please visit to schedule a free consultation with one of our program consultants.

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