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Have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle? What is the first step? If you answered open the box and lay out the pieces, you would NOT be correct. Actually, the most important first step is to look at the picture and plant that mental image in your mind of what you are about to construct! Then we typically put together the border and finally work our way into the puzzle looking for ways to bridge on common areas or designs.

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So what does this have to do with planning your brokerage business?  Everything.

How can you effectively plan your direction or what you need to do if you don’t have a clear vision of where you are going? In contrast, once you know where you are headed, it gets a lot clearer and easier to put together a plan, take steps to move forward, and progress to your destination.

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One of the most important things that you can do now to guarantee your future success is to define it. What will it look like? Describe in detail what this means to you. Are you working more deals? Doing larger transactions? Running a super team that owns the market? What is your income? How deep is your client base? What skills have you mastered? Have you grown your knowledge base? You get the picture.

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Take these steps & see your CRE brokerage transform:


  • Define your success in detail with measurable goals

    Visualize your success- perhaps surround yourself with visual reminders of your goal.

  • Establish a plan to get there

    Be realistic, be thorough and be committed.

  • Do what you know how to do in your plan

    Get help for the things that you don’t know how to do; DO NOT let not knowing something stop you from reaching your goal!

  • Affirm daily that you will get the results and reach your goal

    Positive affirmations are powerful

  • Review & tweak your plan frequently

    Be intentional in all that you do. Ask yourself every day: are you working your plan?

  • Consider engaging an accountability partner

    Share your vision, your plan, and your committed activities with them, allow them to help hold you accountable and to provide feedback and support.

Keep moving forward!

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