Listen to CRE Industry Experts Discuss Proven Lead Generation Approaches

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Earlier this week I had the pleasure of being a panelist, along with commercial real estate industry experts Linda Day Harrison of The Broker List, Jeff Finn of RealNex, Michael Bull of Bull Realty and the Commercial Radio ShowAllen Buchanan of Lee and Associates, Lynn Drake of Compass Commercial and James Milner, a true tertiary and national social media treasure of Appalachian Real Estate.

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During this 60-minute session, our host, Matthew Smith of RealNex, orchestrated a deep dive into lead generation; how we all create leads for our respective commercial real estate practices, how our respective clients (particularly for me and our Massimo Group Members) generate leads and what is the best approach when looking for high quality clients.

Matt was kind enough to record this session and share it with us. As such, we want to share with you.

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lead gen

Listen during your commute home or during your commute to the office tomorrow.  Listen during your workout, or while you mow your lawn this weekend – or better, while you watch someone else mow your lawn this weekend.  The point is – there is some great information included in this audio – but before you can implement any of it – you need to listen.  Happy listening!

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