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We all have them; or at least we should. There is anticipation in the air, a little nervousness and certainly a sense of urgency. It’s the BIG WEEK. You know, you have a big meeting, a big pitch, a big tour, a big event or a combination of thereof.

For example, I am focused on three major projects this week:

First, we are exhibiting at the annual SIOR Conference in Chicago. They are expecting over 800 attendees this year. If you are going as well, please stop by our booth – we would love to see you. This means material preparation, prospect meeting preparation, and the short week in the office means cramming everything into 2 and ½ office days.

Next, we are putting the final touches on our Team Building Toolbox video series. This is free for anyone who buys a copy of my new book, during the week of October 12th, which means this week I need to orchestrate with marketing, IT, and video editors.

[Tweet “Get free access to @MassimoGroup’s Team Building Toolbox with the purchase of #CRETeamBook!”]

Speaking of my new book, Commercial Real Estate Teams Built to Dominate is launching on on October 12. Thus, this week, the final week of preparation, I need to attack a list of items to check and recheck too numerous to outline.

[Tweet “@MassimoGroup founder’s new #CRETeamBook is launching on Oct. 12!”]

And all this doesn’t address several personal items that require my attention. Sound familiar?

It’s not only a matter of preparation, but proper implementation and subsequent follow up that makes a “big week” have a big impact. Here are a few approaches that have worked best for me when you are getting ready for a “big week”.

3 approaches to getting ready for a “big week”


Over prepare

For example, if you have a big pitch – practice it in front of a mirror, record yourself, and write out a transcript. If you’re using a projector or laptop, practice with the actual presentation running on the projector. If presenting with a team, practice with your team. Never “wing it”. You can’t wing it to win it.

[Tweet “You can’t wing it to win it.”]

Allocate your 3 BIG resources

Time, People and Money: Designate times to prepare, implement, and reflect. Delegate responsibilities to your team members that match their strengths. Budget and fund any capital needs supporting your efforts for the big week.


To insure your big week has a big impact, you must, in advance, identify the next steps after your big week is over. For example, last week, I had another “big week”. Four seasoned CRE professionals came to Raleigh, NC to test for their final certification to join our coaching team. After the 3 day event, I met with my operations and admin team for an hour debriefing and reflecting on the session and reinforcing the next steps for ensuring proper follow up and success.

[Tweet “Take the time to prepare, allocate, and reflect on every week, you will have many more “BIG WEEKS” than you do today.”]

Every week may seem like a “Big Week” to you, but some are certainly bigger than others. However, if you took the time to prepare, allocate, and reflect on every week I can assure you that you will have many more “Big Weeks” than you do today.

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