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In my last blog, I shared with you the 2 greatest challenges a mid-career broker faces, and how to conquer them. No doubt the solutions offered were not quick fixes, and when you are stuck and looking for help – you want help now. Although it is not as effective, most folks prefer quick fixes over longer, more impactful solutions. Here are a handful of ‘quick’ fixes that will help you get out of that mid-career rut:

1. Read – Yes, reading can be so enlightening. There are so many great books (both inside and outside of the industry) that will get you recharged. They will hopefully fill you with new ideas, or simply remind you of strategies you know you can implement – yet simply have not.

2. Watch – Google “mid-career slump”, you will find over 12,400 videos on this one topic alone. These will give you the motivation to get moving.

3. Take a course – Take a course on something, anything that will stimulate your thinking – it could be a course on LinkedIn, or a simple online course on how to play guitar. It doesn’t matter.

4. Exercise – It is scientifically proven that working out will put you in a better mood. It will clear your head, and may give you that kick in the ass you need to make a change for the better.

5. Set a short-term goal – Keep it simple, something you can achieve in a short period of time – could be a week or even as little as a day. Short-term goals will provide you with an initial step to building a winning streak.

Whether you are stuck or looking to improve upon your current success – I invite you to join me, and my Executive Vice President, Bo Barron – for our ‘Mid-Career Master Class’ on Wednesday, September 13 at 1:00pm EST. During this free, live webinar session, we will share proven approaches and Massimo Coaching Methods to get you back on the road to production – or simply take the next step to increase your already stable income. Click Here to register for this Free Master Class – we hope to see you there!

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