How to leverage FREE marketing in your personal real estate practice

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Last week I spent an amazing day with best-selling author and marketing maverick, Gary Vaynerchuk to strategize new ways to scale our Massimo Members’ businesses.

Talk about an experience!

What was one of my biggest takeaways?

>>CRE professionals need to get better at leveraging FREE online digital marketing<<

In today’s Massimo Minute, I share how these online digital channels fit into your overall presence strategy.

This Massimo Minute is all about using free (and inexpensive) digital channels, so you can make the transition from being a commodity to being a valuable resource in your market.

Here’s what we cover:

1: Your digital presence — the third tier of the Massimo Presence Pyramid™

2: The inverse relationship between distribution and cost/impact

3: Why it’s more important than ever to leverage free (and inexpensive) digital channels

4: Who you should be personally meeting and sending physical mail to each week

5: Who needs to see your digital presence, and   

6: Why you need all 3 tiers of the Massimo Presence Pyramid™ to stand out from your competition


Learn how to improve your personal presence here

Learn how to stand out from your competitors here

Get access to our comprehensive library of proven strategies here

Let’s move forward!

Rod Santomassimo

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