Is most of your prospecting going to waste?

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It’s frustrating. It’s full of rejection. And it’s so easy to come up with any excuse not to do it…

It’s first thing on Monday… Not a good time to call.

It’s right after lunch… I’ll check emails instead.

It’s getting close to 4pm… no one wants to get calls that close to the end of the day.

All excuses.

After all the excuses, most commercial real estate professionals know they’re not realizing their potential.

Every year, despite what their income is, they know they could have done better…

The problem is most cre professionals think that better means more. More calls = More meetings = More contracts.

They’re wrong.

You see, you can prospect in your market all you want…

But if you don’t have a presence in your market, every single call you make is going to be a cold call.

More cold calling leads to more frustration, more rejection, and more excuses.

The difference between a cold call and a warm call is your presence.

After working with thousands of commercial real estate professionals, we have developed a proven model for improving your market presence. We call it the Massimo Presence Pyramid™.

In this video, I explain the model that will transform your business from being invisible, to being known as a valuable resource to your prospects.

Here’s what we cover:

1: The first element of the Massimo Presence Pyramid™.

2: Why the most effective section of the pyramid is all about you and your personal presence.

3: Why you need to schedule “FDO” to build relationships with market influencers.

4: Why you need to leverage small-group get-togethers.

5: Why conferences are the least effective personal presence activity.

6: Why presence is all about ROI — return on involvement.

If you want to spend less time cold calling and more time with your best prospects, this video will show you how to get started.

Let’s move forward!


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