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In this era of consolidation and mergers, there are many successful firms that are adamant to remain independent. So what is better, being part of a national brokerage organization or pursuing your own personal brand?

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There are many factors to consider which platform is best for you, including but not limited to:

  • Your personal business plan
  • Your exit strategy
  • Your target geographical market
  • Your targeted product market
  • Technical resources
  • Financial resources
  • Personnel resources
  • Relationships

[Tweet “I just signed up for @MassimoGroup ‘s live #CRE video debate: Independent vs. National”]

Join me along with several successful brokers from both leading national, and nationally ranked independent firms for this live, video debate on November 17 at 1 PM Eastern! Space is limited, click here to register now.

2 Responses

  1. I benefit from having national exposure through a national network, best way to explain this, I completed transactions in another part of the country for 14 million, because of this network, which isn’t something I would be able to do as an independent broker

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