8 Great Reasons To Be More Assumptive In A Sales Call

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Learn how to be more assumptive in your sales calls and close more deals!

How to Be More Assumptive in Sales Calls

As a commercial real estate professional, you know the importance of utilizing the best practices in the industry. Sometimes, it’s not what you know, but what you don’t know, that can hold you back and prevent you from closing important deals. That’s why at the Massimo Group our goal is to give you the most up-to-date tools to propel your business to new heights. One of these techniques is to be assumptive in all of your sales calls.

The assumptive close, as a refresher, means that you go into a conversation or sales call with your client assuming that you have the deal or will have the deal. In other words, you assume it’s a done deal, that what you are offering is too good to pass up. Here are some powerful tips on executing this proven method and how it can grow your business.

1. Keep a Positive State of Mind

Fear will hold you back and infect your words with doubt. Stay positive and good things will happen. Optimism and positivism are contagious and your upbeat attitude can influence the thoughts of your client.

2. Monitor Your Client

woman holding smartphone while sitting on chair | Be More Assumptive In A Sales Call With These Tips | closing the deal

Don’t push too hard if your client is resistant to parts of your approach. If he or she seems suspicious or uninterested then back off a little and take a slightly different tack, though never veering from your positive approach. Your sensitivity to your client’s state of mind helps build rapport.

3. Keep It Low Pressure

With the assumptive method, there is no need for high-pressure tactics that often backfire. The right tone is to assume that you both want the same thing, just as you might assume something with a friend or family member.

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4. Enjoy the Sales Process

smiling friendly handsome young male call | Be More Assumptive In A Sales Call With These Tips | closing the deal

The conversation between you and your client should be enjoyable and fun. The assumption is that at the end of the session a reward awaits you both: your client gets to buy something and you get the sale and commission.

5. Sweeten the Deal

One advantage of the assumptive method is that it paves the way for additional opportunities. As a sales agent who has already shown that you can deliver, you are in a great position to upsell by going into other commercial real estate properties that are great deals. You could come out of the meeting with multiple sales.

6. Ask Open-Ended Questions

smiling adult support hotline worker laptop | Be More Assumptive In A Sales Call With These Tips | closing a sale

Get the client talking about his or her wants and dreams with questions that engender a revealing response. The more you learn about your customer the better you can tailor the sales approach with specific properties.

7. Recommend Products and Properties

Using the most positive word choice, show your customer what your company has to offer. Make sure to reinforce your presentation with all of the advantages for each property.

8. Use All of the Tools

handsome businessman his company office | Be More Assumptive In A Sales Call With These Tips | closing a sale

The assumptive method is a process that works best in synchrony with a variety of techniques. You will be more effective as you incorporate optimism, a relaxing atmosphere, low pressure, empathy and upselling into each sales opportunity.


The more quickly you master the assumptive method the sooner you will see your sales increase.

Get known, connect instantly, and win more business! In this webinar session, Bo Barron will show you how presence, a great value proposition, and a targeted prospecting campaign can grow your business without chaos! You can watch the webinar here.

Up Next: 9 Ways To Be More Productive

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