I have seen the invisible commercial real estate man

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We all know him or her. They are there every day – in the cubical down the hall from you, the office across the way, or perhaps, you see their name on an occasional property flyer in the market. Heck you may even have completed a small deal with them several years ago. Oh yeah, what’s his name?

[Tweet “Invisibility is a fate worse than failure. ~ Keith Ferazzi”]

Where you don’t see them is on any award list, or top salesperson list. You don’t see them giving a speech, sitting on a panel out at lunch. Basically they are invisible. As Keith Ferazzi wrote in his best-selling book Never Eat Alone, “invisibility is a fate worse than failure.” You can’t succeed unless you can be seen. Seen by your clients, your prospects, market influencers or potential referral sources.

[Tweet “You can’t succeed unless you can be seen.”]

How are you planning to be seen this week?

If you are new to the Massimo Group blog, or simply need a refresher, there are 3 channels for you to become visible and relevant in the market today:

1) Personal interaction

2) Physically material

3) Digital distributions

The most effective, of course, is the first – personal interaction.

Again, we are talking about presence, not prospecting. So there is good news for you who are challenged with prospecting, you can leverage (never offset) your prospecting efforts with having a greater personal presence.

Want to build a dominating personal presence? Join me and fellow Massimo Group member Bo Barron as we share the key pillars of a successful personal market presence during our free webinar on Thursday, July 28 at 1pm. Be sure to reserve your seat and register today!

personal presence webinar

2 Responses

  1. Rod, Love the blog! Best one yet. You are right the more one is seen the more they make. Thanks for the fun and interesting view point. Lynn

  2. Rod,
    So timely and so spot on. I will be passing this along to my team, as my presentation to them was all about prospecting and presence.
    “Can you see me now?”

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