Even Negative Feedback is a Net Gain

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When you work with a prospect or are in negotiations with clients you often leave the ball in their court at the end of a discussion. After a while, you probably want to circle back and see where you stand. One thing we do differently here at The Massimo Group is to ask for feedback.

Instead of “following-up” – which can make your prospect or client feel micromanaged – we’ve found that asking for feedback opens the door to even more info than we ever would have gotten if we just inquired about the status.

We also know that feedback can be negative. Not everyone is happy with the decisions that get made. But in this Massimo Minute, I’m sharing a little insight into how to make that negative feedback into a major positive for your business.

Here’s what we cover:

1: The difference between follow up and feedback
2: How to know more about what’s going on in your business
3: Turning negative feedback into positive growth

Let’s move forward!
Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group


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