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Yesterday we held our free webinar – Setting High Impact Goals. I shared with our national audience the 6 key steps to identifying goals that will have a direct impact on their bottom line and how to create action plans that support these goals.

Creating goals is only the first step of many to growth. The real secret to success is actually implementing the action steps that move you along the path to achievement. There are several approaches to support implementation, such as consistent tracking and coaching, but one of the easiest ways is to simply share your goals with the right people.

[Tweet “Implementing action steps that move you along the path to achievement is the real secret to growth.”]

Who are the right people? They are your supporters, your fans and those positive people in your life. They will be the ones to motivate you when you are not progressing as planned and remind you of the vision you set out for yourself and be enthusiastic when you reach your destination.

Don’t share your goals with those naysayers and haters. You know, the people who will be the first to tell you “you will never do that!” or “Why would you want to do that!”. Let those folks fester in their quest for average.

[Tweet “Don’t share you goals with the naysayers and haters. Share them with your supporters and fans.”]

Whenever I share my goals I actually feel more pressure to achieve them. I don’t want to let my supporters and influencers see me fail. I don’t want to fail for me or for them. So this time, I am going to share with you, yes all my readers, my professional goals for 2016. Talk about pressure!

I generally finalize my goals over the holiday break, thus I commit to you I will have these published after the new year.

So for now, once you finalize your goals for 2016, share them!

If you are still in the process of working on your goals, I would highly recommend you check out our new course on Massimo University – 7 Days to Your Best CRE Year Yet! You can learn more about this course and the incredible, first time ever offered bonus material here.

[Tweet “I’m going to make 2016 my best CRE year yet!”]

This will be my last official post for 2015. I want to thank all our readers for your support and comments. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season, a blessed Christmas, and a very prosperous 2016!

4 Responses

  1. Rod,
    Thank you for all of your involvement in our success.. The Goals are essential and you have presented them in a positive and logical format.
    I hope that you have a Blessed Christmas as well and take some well earned time off.
    See you in 2016

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