A trip to the dentist and a lesson on commercial real estate survival

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First of all, shame on you for reading this. It is highly likely you were attracted to this blog because of the title and the unnatural attraction of pain which a dental appointment can always bring.

Okay I admit it.  I am one of those folks who slows down and looks when there is a wreck on the side of the road, partly because I’m curious but also because I’m thankful that wasn’t me. In this case, I’m sure you’re thankful it’s not you at the dentist.

Unfortunately, I have some gum recession which is kind of like the Great Recession.  There is a bad situation followed by a resolution that will be long and painful.  Ultimately, the recovery will come and then all else will be better.  Well, that’s what my dentist tells me.

The major difference, of course, is that during the painful solution, I was able to put on my Bose headphones plugged into my Galaxy 6, open Pandora, and listen to some George Ezra.  Man, did I just age myself or what?   Unfortunately, when things turn bad in commercial real estate, you can’t simply zone out to your favorite music. You have to do just the opposite.  You have to prospect more, market more, work harder.

[Tweet “Become more valuable today for whatever the market brings tomorrow.”]

But wait a minute, the commercial real estate market is good right now, why am I talking about market downturns?  Simple.  My teeth are very healthy, right now; they will not always be.  Ever read John McKay’s Dig Your Well Before You Get Thirsty?  You should.  The message is clear.  Take some time to work ON your business, not just IN your business.  Become more valuable today for whatever the market brings tomorrow.  If you find yourself too busy to improve yourself today, you may just find yourself out of business tomorrow.

[Tweet “If you find yourself too busy to improve yourself today, you may just find yourself out of business tomorrow.”]

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