Happy 4th of July!
I love this weekend for 3 reasons:
- First and foremost, it is all about our freedom and ability to set our own course, with little government intervention. Remember that, Washington, DC!
- For me, it is a reiteration of Memorial Day and for honoring all those who served and continue to serve this great country.
- Finally, it marks the middle of the calendar year, and thus, requiring an in-depth look at one’s progress year-to-date.
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This weekend, I know you will spend the vast majority of your time relaxing, as you should. However, I also ask that you reflect on 4 key questions going into the second half of the year.
- List 5 items that met or exceeded your expectations year-to-date.
- List 5 items that did not meet your expectations year-to-date.
- What were your three most productive activities year-to-date?
- What were your three least productive activities year-to-date?
These four questions will get you off to a good start for our more thorough Semi-Annual Review, which we will share with you next week.
For now, have a happy 4th of July weekend, and spend a little time getting in the mind frame for a great second half of 2016.
Our Dominate Your CRE Summer bundle is available for only a few more weeks; don’t miss out!