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Earlier this month we outlined the 5 Key Steps to Making 2017 Your Best Year Yet.  Through this series of 5 blogs, we offered options to reviewing, reflecting and repositioning yourself for greater achievement in the new year.  Now in our 9th year of working with over 1,000 commercial real estate professionals in our coaching programs, we have honed a proven process for preparing our clients (we refer to them as Massimo Members) for the New Year.

This year we packaged this approach so we may share with our non-members.  Of course we dig much deeper with our Massimo Members, but the program we created, when completed, will provide you the clarity and direction for getting off to a strong start in 2017.  The program includes:

  • [Video] How to Make 2017 Your Best CRE Year Yet 
  • 7 Days to Your Best CRE Year Yet E-book 
  • 7 Days to Your Best CRE Year Yet Workbook 
  • 2017 Success Plan Template 

[Tweet “Positive change and income growth are not products of simply doing the same thing year after year.”]

You can either review and then implement change, or simply do what you have always done in the past.  You know, and we know through 1,000’s of iterations with your commercial real estate peers, positive change and income growth are not products of simply doing the same thing year after year.

Should you elect to invest the time to set  yourself up for positive change in 2017, remember this process can take several days.  You will have several days of “downtime” in the weeks ahead.


Make 2017 My Best CRE Year Yet!

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