Where To Invest in 2023

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In this week’s Massimo Minute, I share where I will be investing my personal funds in 2023 and why. As we face yet another market cycle characterized by historical inflation, daily stock market fluctuations, and a low level of consumer confidence, many are wondering where to invest their cash in 2023.

Putting money in the bank is equivalent to putting it under your mattress. The only difference is that the bank can’t loan out your cash if it’s under the mattress.

So where to invest?

In this Massimo Minute, we cover:
1. Where and why I have determined to invest cast in 2023,
2: The most likely channels of investment and a true reflection of projected returns,
3: The #1 place I have invested, where I have always realized exponential returns.

Where will you invest in 2023? The stock market, crypto, real estate or yourself? Maybe a combination? Whatever you choose, make sure some of that investment goes to building your business.

Let’s Move Forward!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group


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