What’s Your BHAG for 2025?

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Welcome to December.

December is a month of full fledge chaos. There are deals you are trying to close, prospects you continue to chase and holiday parties you don’t really want to go to, but know you must be present.

Oh, and then there is that other “present” thing, that we all unnecessarily stress about.

Unfortunately, most brokers don’t take the appropriate time to review and reflect on the years that will soon pass and the new year that is upon us.

While, at Massimo we take a very dedicated perspective to new year goal setting, I also make sure I create one BHAG (big hairy ass goal).

In 2024 it was to create the greatest CRE brokerage event in history, and by all responses, we did just that with MassimoCon ’24.

But for 2025 I want to take on something that maybe my greatest challenge yet.

Please watch this short video for the answer.

Let’s keep on moving forward!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group

Join our LIVE 5-DAY RAMP Up Challenge. Completely audit and build the business you’ve always desired before 2025. Starts Tuesday, December 10 at 1 PM Eastern. REGISTER HERE

FREE DOWNLOAD:  7 Days to Your Best CRE Year Yet
FREE ASSESSMENT: Click Here for The Next Step To Accelerate Your CRE Career
FREE WEBINAR: Learn About the 6 Steps to 7 Figures 
FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Become an Elite Commercial Real Estate Professional

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