What Every Broker Needs to Know about Hiring and Retaining in a Down Market

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In this week’s Massimo Minute, I share some strategies if you are concerned about retaining and/or hiring team members in a down market. Every week our coaching clients have numerous opportunities to jump on a call with one of our 35+ coaches, our Chief Strategy Office Mike Gallegos, or me.

This past week one of our clients asked Mike what he would do to retain current top producers as well as hire new talent in this ever-changing work environment.

In this Massimo Minute, we cover:

1. Why top talent leaves and how to combat this;
2. What are top producers looking for to stay with your firm;
3. How you can attract new talent in this ever-changing market.

Let’s Move Forward!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group

PS – If you’re wondering how Top CRE Brokers thrive, no matter what the market looks like, you’re going to want to attend this FREE Webinar where I’ll be chatting with TOP BROKERS including Bob Knakal, Brad Umansky, and Caully Derringer about how they not only survive but thrive. Our panelists have collectively executed thousands of transactions worth billions of dollars, even during market downturns. It’s all happening Thursday, May 4 at 12 PM EST. Register here: https://register.massimo-group.com/mayweb-registration

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