The Most Important Blog I Will Ever Write

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Over the past 9+ years, I have been sharing my thoughts on commercial real estate, business development, prospecting, presence, presentations, time management, team building, and a whole lot more.

Today, I am going to go off my regular ‘business building focus’, and share with you the most important message I ever have ever written. Regardless of your level of experience or success, you need to hear this.

Tomorrow I am going to have my 4th colonoscopy – I am only 53 years old. Yes, that number was 4. For those who have had this procedure, you know that tonight’s prep is actually far worse than tomorrow’s procedure. If you want a really good laugh, I highly recommend Dave Berry’s 2009 Miami Herald article on this topic.

My father was a colon cancer survivor. Beyond all of  his amazing traits I attempt (but will never master), one of them is not getting the big “C”. Unfortunately, some of these traits hit my genes – so we are in “extra cautious mode” around the Santomassimo household. I know tomorrow’s results will be just fine; however, I can’t lie – I am a little concerned. Add to this, 2 of my local CRE colleagues sadly, and unexpectedly passed away over the last 2 weeks. Needless to say, my health radar is high.

Here is my point. Making all the money you can, while doing what you love – is pretty awesome. However, if you are not there for your family – it doesn’t matter. More so, as much as I wish CRE was more diversified – it remains a middle-age, white world. This includes both males and females, at the prime age for colon cancer.

As much as we all need to continue to strive for greater diversity in commercial real estate, we need to be around to do this. Approximately 140,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer in the U.S. and over 50,000 people die from it annually. It is the second leading cancer killer in the nation, yet it is 90 percent preventable and 90 percent treatable if detected early.

If you are over 50, you need to do this. If anyone in your family has/had colon cancer, you really need to do this now. Again, this will be my 4th colonoscopy! Take it from me, you won’t feel a thing – except for the cold IV in your arm as you quickly fall asleep. In the end (no pun intended) – the clean bill of health, clear mind, and appreciation for every day that most of you will get in return…definitely offsets any minor discomfort from the prep work.

OK, I’ve got to go prep! Wish me luck. : )

Since I know I will be up and at em’, and driving hard later this week – I want to share with you that we will be holding a special, free webinar on Thursday, April 27th at noon EST; with my special co-host Bob Knakal, Chairman of NY Investments for Cushman & Wakefield. Bob will share with you why he feels now is the Golden Age of Brokerage, and what you should be doing to leverage today’s opportunities. To register for this free webinar, click here.

13 Responses

  1. Rod, I hope many people read your message. I, too, have a family history of this disease. It is so important to have regular testing as this is one cancer that can have a more positive outcome if caught early. Thank you for sharing!

  2. My brother fought & survived stage 4 colon cancer for 5 years. Colonoscopies have become a part of my life. Considering that early detection makes colon cancer a survivable illness, the prep for a colonoscopy is nothing.

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