The Highest Tax You are Paying, And You Don’t Even Know It

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In this week’s Massimo Minute, I will share the one tax you are paying annually that costs you more than anything else in your business. We all hate paying taxes. We work so hard to earn commissions from our commercial real estate practice, only to turn around to pay Uncle Sam on our revenue, our properties, our goods and services, hell we even pay taxes on our cars. But there is one tax that costs you more than all the other taxes combined, and you don’t even know it.

In this Massimo Minute, we cover:

1. The highest tax you pay, and it’s costing you millions!

2. How you can minimize this tax.

3. Why for the most driven CRE brokers this tax will never go completely away.

Let’s Move Forward, Together!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group

PS – We have a new CRE Sprint Program ready to help you build the business and life you’ve always desired. It’s 8 weeks, it’s intense – and it’s not for everyone. Find out more here:

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