The CRE Sky Is NOT Falling

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The CRE Sky Isn’t Falling

In this week’s Massimo Minute, I share why the news on CRE is off base and how you can leverage your insights to get more listings. I don’t watch the news. The days Walter Cronkite (serious age check here) are over and for me most stories are too slanted to the right and left. But now the news on commercial real estate being shared is even worse.

I will show you how to leverage the news to help you get in a better position to win more listings.

In this Massimo Minute, we cover:

1: Why the reports on 2023 must be put into context;

2: What you can do with this news to position yourself as a resource;

3: How now is the absolutely wrong time to panic.

Let’s Move Forward, together!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group

PS – Want to minimize mistakes? Join us for our FREE Webinar on Thursday, April 20 at 12 PM EST. Download your FREE PDF and register here:


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FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Become an Elite Commercial Real Estate Professional