The CR-E-Myth and Other Required Summer Reading

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Probably the most influential book I have ever read for my professional career was Michael Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited.  I have read this book at least 5 times in the past three years alone and between my hard copy and my Kindle version, there are more notes, highlights and folded pages for reference.

The general concept is that we all play 3 roles in our entrepreneurial pursuits:

  • the Entrepreneur
  • the Manager
  • the Technician

Most of us remain in the technician role, and thus never experience real growth, and are restricted by continual frustration.

[Tweet “We play 3 roles in our entrepreneurial pursuits: the Entrepreneur, Manager, and Technician”]

I see this all the time in our coaching.  Initially, clients are so focused on “the deal” they can’t get out of their own way.  Those that share our vision of working on their business is just as important as working in their business start to realize exponential growth, and their frustration evolves into a form of self-enlightenment.  OK, that may be too heavy for some, so let me be more direct.  They find they can make more money in less time.

[Tweet “Working ON your business is just as important as working IN your business”]

I recently asked our 18 great CRE coaches at the Massimo Group which books influenced them.  No surprise the E-Myth was a top response.  Others receiving multiple recommendations were Brian Tracey’s The Psychology of Selling, and Stephen Covey’s The Speed of Trust.

Whether you enjoy reading a hard cover book, watching videos or reading e-books, we have created a bundle of our best deliverables so you too can “make more money in less time”.  You can click here and learn all about the ultimate CRE commercial real estate bundle to dominate your summer.

CRE summer reading

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