I know it shouldn’t surprise me anymore… But it still shocks me when I see commercial real estate professionals with an employee mindset.
Because as an independent contractor, you are the CEO of your company. And every CEO needs to master the 5 divisions of a profitable business.
So in today’s Massimo Minute, I’m highlighting each division and sharing where you can find the specific strategies to master all 5 of them.
Here’s what we cover:
1: Your sales division, which includes your daily prospecting initiatives
2: Your marketing division, which includes your 3 key types of presence initiatives
3: Your finance division, which includes your pipeline management
4: Your operations division, which includes your CRM, processes, and policies
5: Your people division, which includes your full-time, part-time, and virtual team who will help you create margin in your life.
6: How you can get specific strategies to master all 5 divisions on March 11th