Overcoming The “I Need to Think About It” Objection

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How many times have you given a BOV, a pitch, a proposal for your listing, leasing or financing services only to hear those deflating six words “I need to think about it.”?

And inside you are thinking to yourself, “what the hell do you need to think about, just sign the exclusive!” Ok, hopefully that is not your response, but you get the picture. The deflection or excuse not to act now – I need to think about it – is simple that a deferment to a decision later, that actually impacts you today.

So, today let’s stop the insanity and show you a direct and easy way to overcome this objection. Yes this is the same objection we hear from our coaching prospects, so we have mastered this approach, and it will work for you too.

Learn how to deflect this major objection and move forward with your exclusive agreement or even your current deal in today’s Massimo Minute.

Let’s Move Forward Together!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group

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PS – Get in on the Advanced AI for CRE 5-week course here: https://register.massimo-group.com/advanced-ai-for-cre-1

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