How to Successfully Onboard a New Agent in Commercial Real Estate

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When you’re hiring a new agent, it’s easy to get caught in the compensation details.

Some folks pay draws. Some offer a salary. Some folks have a tiered system.

Don’t get me wrong… It’s important to iron out your compensation structure. But that’s only one factor in hiring and onboarding the right new agent. 

Today’s Massimo Minute is all about setting proper expectations during your new agent’s onboarding process. 

Here’s what we cover: 

1: Setting clear, non-negotiable expectations for your new agent

2: Creating a timeline to track your new agent’s progress versus your definition of success

3: Determining the compensation that works for your unique situation

4: Matching your new agent with a mentor or senior member of the team

5: Engaging a coach to ensure your new agent gets a fast start to a long career


Engage a coach to ensure your new agent gets a fast start to a long career

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