How One Master CRE Broker Uses His Pipeline

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Pipeline management is as much an art as it is a science. But if you do it wrong you will leave hundreds of thousands of commission dollars on the table.

In this week’s Massimo Minute, seasoned Massimo CRE Coach, David Dirkschneider shares how he manages his personal commercial real estate pipeline to ensure he maximizes his commission income.

If You want to Grow…You Better Know Massimo!

The Massimo Group is getting ready to disrupt the industry. Find out how here:

✅ The CRE Listing Launcher: After a year on the drawing board, we were thrilled to announce the “launch” of our CRE Listing Launcher system. This will change how properties are sold and leased, help you secure more exclusives, and command higher fees. Join us on January 31 to learn how you can beat your competition and start winning more opportunities. We promise you have never seen anything like this before.

FREE DOWNLOAD:  7 Days to Your Best CRE Year Yet
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FREE WEBINAR: Learn About the 6 Steps to 7 Figures 
FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Become an Elite Commercial Real Estate Professional