Becoming a Thought Leader in Your CRE Market

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This guest post is part of a series on the topic of online lead generation for CRE brokers and firms. It is written by Greg Schraff, Managing Director, digetry, LLC – digital strategy and marketing company. The Massimo Group has had much success working with digetry related to their digital strategies.

Marketing has changed because the Internet has altered the way prospects and customers access information, connect, look for products and services, purchase, and share. While this change affects all businesses, it is particularly important for CRE brokers and owners.

Those of us who sell professional services are in a unique position to take advantage of recent marketing changes. Here’s why…

It is your industry knowledge, your specific skill set or subject matter expertise that forms the basis of your service offering. Because of your expertise, you are considered a ‘go-to’ person in your CRE market, for your particular expertise – a trusted and informed source who can inspire people with innovative ideas, turn these ideas into reality, and know how to replicate success.

[Tweet “Be the “go-to” person, the thought leader, in your CRE market.”]

Interestingly, these same qualities also characterize a thought leader.

According to Forbes Magazine, a thought leader is “an individual or firm that prospects, clients, referral sources, intermediaries and even competitors recognize as one of the foremost authorities in selected areas of specialization, resulting in its being the go-to individual or organization for said expertise.”

Further, Forbes states, “a thought leader is an individual or firm that significantly profits from being recognized as such.”

One can easily see how this definition can also apply to CRE professionals.

People are in businesses to make money. By and large, their objective, whether through products, services or both is to do a top-notch job for their clients. Still, it’s fair to say, they want to be well compensated to the extent possible. Being a thought leader is very much about making money, which also happens to be one objective of commercial real estate.

[Tweet “A thought leader is an individual or firm that significantly profits from being recognized. ~ Forbes”]

Buyers want personalized experiences, and CRE professionals need to step it up to connect with their prospects and customers in meaningful ways.

CRE professionals can, and should be, thought leaders.

One of the most effective ways to become a thought leader is through blogging – which was the subject of a prior marketing post: How to Write Blogs That Your Customers Actually Want to Read.

By using your industry expertise to express and communicate directly with your prospects and clients you can take advantage of this shift in marketing strategy.

For more information on building a strong market presence, schedule a free consultation with us. We would like to talk with you and share how our proven process has resulted in our coaching clients consistently out-earning their commercial real estate peers by 7X.

One Response

  1. You can have all the experience in the world. Unless you are ready to share it with others, either with customers or with salespeople who work with you, it is a comfort in your old age but nothing more. You need to make your voice heard at public gatherings, industry events and on the internet. Constant communication is key. Write small articles that people will read and submit larger works to places like ULI and CCIM.

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