Getting Off the Commission Rollercoaster

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No doubt one of the most frustrating aspects of being a commercial real estate broker is the inconsistent commissions.

It seems like there are almost cycles to high and low earnings. In today’s Massimo Minute, Massimo Certified Coach and Capstone Partner, David Dirkschneider shares how he uses pipeline reports to highlight where our coaching client’s need to focus to reset a more level commission flow.

Watch the full video and start creating commissions on a more consistent basis.

Let’s Move Forward, Together!

Rod Santomassimo
Founder and President
The Massimo Group

PS – Our MidYear Review is happening on Tuesday, July 9 at 12 PM EST and you’re invited. Come check out how this event that helps our coaching clients out earn their peers by 7x! Register here:

MassimoCon 2024 is ON! Join the waitlist here:

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