10 Takeaways from My CRE Road Trip Reading Files

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Yesterday I flew to Phoenix, AZ with our Executive Vice President, Bo Barron, as we are meeting with our tech team to redesign the Massimo Coaching platform and prepare to launch Massimo 2.0. Massimo 2.0 will be our best coaching platform yet and we cannot wait to get it to our Massimo member/clients.

Yesterday was also Valentine’s Day, so Bo and I left our beautiful brides at home and made the most out of it by catching up on our respective reading files.

[Tweet “Traveling is a great time to catch up with all your reading.”]

For me, I always file my magazines for road trips. Books I generally read at home so I had plenty of flight time to catch up on my magazine reading. As such, I thought I would share some key takeaways with you as several may apply to your commercial real estate practice in one way or another.

From Success Magazine:

1) Emma Johnson outlined how to “Create Client Bonding”. One point she focused on was creating a client experience with each of these 5 nodes:

– Pre-touch
– First-touch
– Core Experience
– Report Out, and
– Send-Off

2) NASCAR champion driver Jimmy Johnson shared a story regarding teaming. He and his crew chief, Chad Knaus, hadn’t been seeing eye to eye, so team owner Rick Hendrick summoned both to a meeting. At the meeting, Hendrick served Johnson and Knaus milk and cookies on Mickey Mouse paper plates! He told them they were both acting like children and they needed to solve their issues then and there. It worked and this team has become one of the most dominate teams in all of sports.

3) Former LSU Basketball coach told a story about the legendary coach John Wooden. Wooden shared with him to never mistake activity for achievement. There was nothing worse than activity that accomplishes nothing.

4) DOJO – a very cool WIFI security tool that fortifies your home wireless system.

From Shopping Center Today:

5) The first drone store, DJI, opened in China so we can  expect something here in the U.S. soon. Unfortunately, customers are not allowed to fly drones in the store.

6) Also in China, mall developers are creating pink parking spaces for “ladies only”. They are wider than normal to allow the users to unload their children and pack their merchandise, of course.

7) Macy’s is looking to significantly cut costs, ie. employees, after less than projected Christmas holiday sales.

From Commercial Investment Real Estate (CCIM Magazine):

8) Cloud over Brokerage and Leasing – this article states “client relationship management will hold the key to success and suggests similar to consulting firms, brokerage firms will need to shift their service model from regional to central client relationship management.”

9) MyOutDesk – new virtual assistant portal for real estate.

10) Reclarity – a video message maker for real estate.

[Tweet “There is a world of information out there that you can leverage to propel your CRE career.”]

As you can see there is a world of information out there for you to leverage to propel your career. Make sure you invest the time to absorb it; however, perhaps you shouldn’t do all your reading on Valentine’s day.

If you prefer video and/or audio for your self-development – please check out our new Overcoming the 2 Greatest Obstacles to your CRE Success series – it’s free and available now by simply clicking the button below.

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