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The 5 Directions to Your Prospect Call Map

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Do you have a prospect call map? Meaning, do you have a specific plan of action to control the flow of your prospect calls? After reviewing 1,000’s of prospect calls over the last 9+ years with our coaching clients, we have concluded that every prospecting call can go in one of five directions. Of course, every call has only two purposes and that is either: to generate a meeting or to move things closer to the next step in the sales process.

A prospect call map is your compass in moving your prospect to yes. This map helps you navigate your calls based on the five directions your call will take. Here are the 5 directions for your prospect call map:

1. Yes – your prospect has agreed to meet with you. Congratulations. You obviously nailed an opening that resonated with your prospect. Now schedule a time to meet, confirm it, and get the hell off the phone. This is not a time for idle chit chat.

2. No – your prospect does not want to discuss what you have to offer, or the prospect already has representation (a broker). Seek permission to send periodic market updates. Put this prospect on your presence campaign.

3. Not Interested – This is different from a “no”. The easiest question here is “Why”. Why isn’t the prospect interested? This will give you the information you need to continue the conversation, or to determine how to best serve the prospect.

4. Wrong Person – Simplest of all 5 directions. Ask for the correct contact.

5. Send Information – Probably one of the more common outcomes. This could be a simple blow off, or a genuine signal of interest. It is your responsibility to determine which one.

Create your own responses to these 5 directions of your calls, and be prepared for them so you can naturally continue the conversation.

Looking to craft your perfect prospecting campaign? Join us March 15th at 2:30pm EST for our FREE How to Set Up a Prospect Call Master Class. This 2-part system will improve your production by showing you exactly what to do before AND after the call to help you find and win the business you want. Click HERE to register!

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